GLOBAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING FORUM (GRTF) An Institute for Research Paper Publication, International Conference and Soft Skill Training

GRTF Plagiarism Check

Turnitin Check
We offer Plagiarism Checking Service using a ‘Turnitin’ tool. Turnitin is leading originality checking and plagiarism prevention web tool which allows researchers to compare their contents against the massive databases to ensure the work is original before submission
Before submit your paper’s to publishers / journals, do check your paper in "Turnitin' (Plagiarism check), All publishers accepted Plagiarism report.
Turnitin Check in 4 steps
STEP:1 - Send us your manuscript to mail ID. We scan it for plagiarism, using 'Turnitin'
STEP:2 - Make necessary payment. Rs.200/-(INR) per Research article, Rs.5000/-(INR) Per PhD or masters thesis.
STEP:3 - Send us a proof of payment along with research article/thesis in a single email.
STEP:4 - You will receive a report with recommendations for revision within 1 hour.
Click on the below payment methods to display QR-Code.
Bank Details
NAME: Global Research and Training Forum
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 50200035275598
LOCATION: Talegaon, Pune
Patent Filing
At GRTF we support patenting your idea. To know more about the service gets in touch with us from contact details.
Research Guidance
At GRTF we provide the research Guidance from subject domain experts. Are your interested? , Leave us message at

Relevant Services

  1. Online Guidance for Aspiring PhD and D. Lit/DS Researchers.
  2. Online Consultancy Services For International and National Events
  3. Experimental & Research Support by International Experts
  4. PhD Thesis Writing
  5. PhD Research Guidance
  6. Research Paper Writing
  7. Synopsis Writing
  8. Project Report
  9. Statistical/Data Analysis
  10. Assignment Writing
  11. Dissertation Writing
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